
Save Your Family’s Health Today!

Enough with Junk

Tired of deceptive “healthy” foods wreaking havoc on your family’s well-being? Discover the shocking truth – 57% of our daily calories in the UK come from Ultra Processed Foods, silently contributing to a health crisis.

The Silent Culprit: Ultra Processed Foods

Did you know that what you consider “healthy” might be far from it? These hidden culprits are stealthily impacting your family’s health. It’s time to take control and break free from the dangerous cycle.

Empower Your Family: Choose Real Nutrition

Our health matters, and it starts with making informed choices. Join us on a journey to break free from the grip of Ultra Processed Foods. Together, let’s pave the way for a healthier future.

Uncover the Truth:

✅ Identify misleading “healthy” foods ✅ Take charge of your family’s nutrition ✅ Say goodbye to Ultra Processed Foods

Invest in Your Family’s Well-Being Today!

Don’t let misleading food choices compromise your family’s health. It’s time to take action! Join us in making a positive change that lasts a lifetime.

Break Free. Choose Health. Act Now!

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Welcome to a journey towards embracing a healthier lifestyle by steering clear of ultra-processed foods. In a world inundated with convenience-driven consumables, it has become increasingly vital to prioritise the quality and nutritional value of what we put into our bodies

This website aims to give you a start to the journey with recommendations.

Clicking on the subjects will take you through to links to buy the books etc

Welcome to a journey towards embracing a healthier lifestyle by steering clear of ultra-processed foods. In a world inundated with convenience-driven consumables, it has become increasingly vital to prioritise the quality and nutritional value of what we put into our bodies

This website aims to give you a start to the journey with recommendations.

Clicking on the subjects will take you through to links to buy the books etc

First things first


This should be a change in the way you eat – there is no hurry – take your time. Replace your foods gradually – it takes time to find the best replacements.

A bit of history

Over the last few decades, Western society has undergone significant changes, particularly when it comes to health and nutrition. The rise in obesity rates and the prevalence of chronic diseases have raised concerns about the impact of dietary choices on our well-being. It’s no secret that our diets play a pivotal role in our overall health. This website aims to shed light on a major dietary concern that has been largely hidden from the public: too many ultra processed foods

The Great Food Pyramid Deception

For many years, the food pyramid was touted as the ultimate guide to a healthy diet. Unfortunately, it was one of the greatest scams perpetrated on the people. One of the myths that the food pyramid perpetuated was the demonisation of saturated fats found in foods like butter and red meat. This demonisation, it turns out, was unfounded and has had severe repercussions.

Questioning Expertise

The public’s trust in experts and medical doctors has waned as they’ve realised that these authorities can be influenced by financial interests just like anyone else. The food industry, often prioritising profit over health, has had a role in this erosion of trust. A classic example is the promotion of seed oils, which have become an insidious staple of the Western diet, wreaking havoc on health and longevity.

The Hidden Truth About Seed Oils

Corporations such as Procter & Gamble have invested significant resources in keeping the harmful effects of seed oils a secret from the American people. Seed oils contain high levels of linoleic acid, a predominant n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA). Their consumption has increased 1,000-fold over the last century, making them a pervasive presence in our diets. However, what’s alarming is their toxic nature.

The Health Impact of Seed Oils

Seed oils are up to 40 times more likely to oxidise compared to saturated fats. This oxidation process leads to the production of free radicals, which attack and restructure cell membranes, damage red blood cells, and harm our DNA. This continuous assault on our body leads to chronic inflammation, an underlying factor in severe medical conditions and chronic illnesses.

The Troubling Side Effects

The list of health issues linked to the consumption of seed oils is extensive. From increasing the risk of blood clots, stroke, and heart attacks to raising blood pressure and causing water retention, the impact on our health is undeniable. Moreover, seed oils are associated with increased hunger rather than satisfaction, and they contain toxic byproducts that have been linked to cancer, pulmonary diseases, asthma, and more.

A Healthier Alternative

To steer clear of the perils of seed oils, it’s advisable to opt for healthier alternatives. Butter or ghee, tallow, coconut oil, and extra-virgin olive oil are excellent choices. These options not only provide a safer source of fats but also offer various health benefits, making them preferable in the quest for a healthier lifestyle.


The prevalence of seed oils in the Western diet and their detrimental health effects cannot be ignored. As more people become aware of the hazards associated with these oils, the demand for healthier alternatives is growing. By making informed choices about our diet, we can protect our well-being and work toward a healthier, happier future.

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